This morning I received a gift during my time of meditation, a vision of a beautiful writing implement being placed in my hand, an exquisite quell pen. I saw that the feather was a brilliant white, reaching out like the wings of an egret. The writing tip was silver, ready to dip into the ink pot. I held it as gently and with as much awe as if I were holding a precious jewel or a new born baby, maybe a baby bird or kitten.
This magical implement held the promise of something though of what I’m not quite sure. Am I to take it as a call to begin writing again? To use my writing to bring hope and promise to others? If this might be the message, I am giving it a try and we’ll see where it goes.
Yesterday was the beginning of Advent, the beginning of a new year in my faith tradition. The calendar is fresh, the story of the unfolding year as yet to be recorded. We wait. There is promise of coming change, of salvation for the world. We cry Veni, Jesu! Come Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Dare we believe? We’ve waited so long. The promised one has not come quickly. The world is so dark. How can we keep waiting and believing?
Look back to the times the Holy has come to you in your ordinary past. In times of pain and times of joy. In darkness and in light. In loss and in gift. Hold these remembrances to your heart. Veni, Jesu.
Now look forward while holding close these past times of fulfillment. In the remembering you can embrace the promise of the new year ahead. You can travel through Advent to Incarnation. From birth to death. From death to Resurrection and back to the New Year again. Veni, Jesu.
So in this first week of Advent sing “Come thou long expected Jesus, light a candle, be a candle, recall the light in the darkness of the past and watch for the light coming to you in particular ways in the days ahead. Maybe even in a vision of a Quell Pen. And share with me your experiences. Veni, Jesu.