One of the therapeutic methods that I have used, both with those who have come into my office and for my own spiritual healing and growth is Sandtray Worldplay. This is a wonderful tool for opening up that center within us. With this approach, one has a small tray filled with sand and a wide selection of miniatures with which one builds a world in the sand. From the world that emerges story and experience help to enlighten our life and path.
A number of years ago, I created a sandtray that revealed a couple journeying on a boat, following a hat that was blowing gently ahead of them as if to lead them on their journey. This sandtray world held promise and vision for me and, of course, the hat seemed to be the leading of the Spirit.
When we bought our Motor Home, of course, a hat had to sit in the window. Now, the vision is being fulfilled and we travel as the hat leads us. Today, we are in South Dakota, in the amazingly sacred Black Hills. We have traveled from central Michigan through blessed country - North Woods, Great Lakes (the picture is from the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin on Lake Superior), rich farm land, the Great Plains. I have been in awe of the wonder of these different environments and of this great creation.
I think, whether we are staying in one place or physically traveling from place to place as I am the hat must be our guide, opening our eyes, ears and hearts to the wonders around us. Sometimes, I forget to experience this and get caught up in the frustrations of the moment, but then I look around me or at my pictures and am called back to the blessing.
Journey well this day as you follow your own particular hat.